jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

The Euthanasia

  The Euthanasia is a controversial and interesting topic. When I hear
the word Euthanasia, I think about the spanish film “Mar Adentro”. It
is about a the true story of Ramon Sampedro, a sailor, who after an
accident in his youth ended up quadriplegic and remains bedridden for
nearly 30 years and wants to die with dignity.  The famous case of
Euthanasia that I know is this film. It was widely seen, it have been
very successful and it won a Oscar.
     To me, the Euthanasia is a right to die with dignity in the case if
someone were in great pain, with no possible recovery, or were unable
to take care after myself. So, I agree with the teacher. As I see it,
any of this cases are very terrible and sad, because there is no
recovery from the great pain or disability. The life loses sense and
the person get a negative vision about all their life and about the
world. So, I support euthanasia in these cases.
  I think the governments haven’t the rights to keep suffering people
alive, because they don’t know what  these people have felt, the
government owns the lives. To me, the governments should legalize the
Euthanasia in these cases. But in Chile, it is very difficult this
happens, because it is a country very retrograde and

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